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We are glad your loved one has chosen to receive inpatient treatment at Silvermist, and we are dedicated to providing the best care to all of our clients. Silvermist encourages family involvement and pursues continued communication with our clients’ loved ones. To make that as easy as possible, we have outlined the following guidelines for staying in touch with a loved one while they’re in treatment at Silvermist.

Staying in Contact via Phone

Generally, the best time to call a Silvermist resident will be between 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Due to busy schedules, however, we recommend that family members wait for their loved one at Silvermist to call them.

Clients are afforded one 10-minute phone call per day after their first 72 hours at Silvermist.

Each client’s phone list is approved by the primary therapist. A client will not be permitted to call someone until that person is approved by the therapist.

In case of emergency, feel free to call Silvermist at any time at (412) 561-9558.

Visiting a Loved One at Silvermist

On-site family and friend visits are restricted until two full weeks of treatment are completed. While we recognize the importance of family involvement, the presence of family and friends can often unintentionally distract someone in recovery from their treatment.

All on-site visits should be approved by the primary therapist.

We strongly encourage families to visit the appropriate Silvermist location to meet with the client’s therapist. Our dedicated therapists are happy to organize these meetings and can accommodate most scheduling needs.