Insurance Coverage Makes Addiction Treatment More Affordable

If you have ever sought out mental health treatment, including therapy, physical health treatment, including routine visits to your primary physician or even veterinary care for your pet, you know how much these visits can cost.
One of the primary reasons full-time jobs are essential to many people is because of health insurance benefits — without health insurance, getting the care you need can become very expensive for you, your family, and others.
Because of the rising costs and intimidating final bills, mental health and addiction treatment is often avoided. But thankfully, with the right insurance plans, you may find treatment more affordable than you realized.
How often is addiction treatment affected by costs?
Numerous sources have cited the cost of addiction and mental health treatment to be one of the primary reasons people in the US do not receive the care they need.
According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, “A staggering 43 percent of U.S. adults who say they needed substance use or mental health care in the past 12 months did not receive that care, and numerous barriers to access stand between them and needed treatment, according to a new national survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults conducted online by The Harris Poll.”
This article goes on to say that 37 percent of those needing mental health care and 31 percent who needed treatment for substance abuse were prevented from obtaining it due to financial-related concerns like high out-of-pocket costs and no insurance.
Another source supports the concern: “8-of-10 people in the Cost of Therapy Survey felt that therapy was a good investment. But even those whose care was partly covered by insurance reported concerns about continuing to afford it. Almost 40 percent needed some form of financial assistance to attend therapy, underscoring that cost remains a barrier to therapy, even for those who can afford to start it in the first place.”
So, while the need for treatment and the desire for help may be fully present in the individual, costs may prevent even the most dedicated client from getting what they need.
Does health insurance cover addiction treatment?
One of the concerns circles around health insurance – for those whose insurance does not cover mental health or addiction treatment in any capacity, this form of care might not even be a consideration. However, many individuals who need treatment may not be aware of the benefits their insurance company can provide.
Whether or not addiction treatment is covered by insurance will be partially based on your personal insurance plan and partially reliant on whether or not the treatment center you wish to attend accepts the insurance you have. That being said, several insurance providers work alongside treatment facilities to help make treatment accessible and affordable.
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield in PA cover addiction treatment?
According to the sources on American Addiction Centers, “Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) health insurance does cover rehab for drug and alcohol addiction…Coverage varies from state to state and plan to plan, and it is best to contact BCBS directly with any questions about your coverage.”
Most BCBS plans also cover medical detox, including detox from opioid, benzodiazepine and alcohol addiction. It is important to remember that “The type of treatment center you choose, as well as the specific professionals who treat you, will be determined by your plan. You are only covered at HMO-contracted facilities if you have an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan. If you have a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plan, you have the option to see a wider range of providers, and you can see an out-of-network provider at a higher rate.”
For this reason, it is essential to fully understand the kind of insurance you have and the treatment they cover when considering addiction rehab – this can help you more fully understand what insurance can do for you before you assume that treatment is more expensive than you can handle.
Silvermist Recovery accepts BCBS and more
When it comes to addiction treatment facilities, you want to ensure the one you are attending is equipped to meet your needs – including your financial needs. At Silver Ridge Recovery, we make every effort to ensure treatment is accessible to everyone who needs and wants it.
Many insurance providers have plans that cover addiction treatment and rehabilitation services. Silvermist is an in-network provider with Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield and a proud Veterans Affairs Community Care Network (VA-CCN) member. We also accept all major insurances with out-of-network benefits. Some out-of-network providers we frequently work with include United Healthcare and Humana.
We encourage you to contact us with any questions about insurance coverage by calling Silvermist Recovery at (412) 561-9558 or contacting us online.