Enhancing Veteran Mental Health: The Crucial Role of Long-Term Residential Treatment Centers
429 words|2.1 min read|Veterans often face unique mental health challenges stemming from their experiences during military service. Long-term residential treatment centers play a pivotal role in addressing these [...]
Long-Term Mental Health Treatment for Female Veterans With MST
539 words|2.7 min read|Military sexual trauma (MST) is as a significant but often hidden crisis impacting female veterans. Because of shame and stigma causing victims to stay silent [...]
Living with a Veteran Partner Who Has PTSD: Guidance and Understanding
579 words|2.9 min read|Living with a veteran partner who struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be challenging. PTSD is a mental health disorder that can develop after exposure [...]
What Does Problem Gambling Look Like?
693 words|3.5 min read|Struggling with an addiction can be a lonely, isolating experience. No one ever seeks to slip into habits of an addiction, but sometimes extenuating circumstances [...]
Understanding Anxiety in Veterans: Recognizing the Most Common Signs
631 words|3.2 min read|For many veterans, the transition to civilian life can be difficult mentally and emotionally. Among the common challenges veterans face during this transition is anxiety, [...]
Veterans, Mental Health, and the Holidays: An Overview
732 words|3.7 min read|It’s normal to experience highs and lows during the holiday season as social interactions increase, immune systems become suppressed, and financial expectations and other pressures [...]
The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Conditions in the Veteran Community
770 words|3.9 min read|Once their time in the military is complete, veterans must reintegrate into normal, everyday life. However, many veterans find this transition incredibly difficult and battle [...]
Veterans and Mental Health
681 words|3.4 min read|Because of the trauma that many military men and women experience, mental health disorders commonly arise. Without the right treatment or resources to rely on, [...]