• Addiction-Treatment-While-in-College

    Addiction Treatment While in College: Is It Possible?

    747 words|3.7 min read|

    Any person of any age can be affected by a substance use disorder, and college students are no exception. Addiction among college students is an [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    Legalizing Marijuana and Addiction Rates in U.S.

    782 words|3.9 min read|

    In the past few decades, marijuana has transitioned from a substance that was widely considered dangerous and harmful to a socially acceptable practice, much like [...]

  • Binge-Drinking-vs-Alcoholism

    Binge Drinking vs. Alcoholism: Key Differences

    664 words|3.3 min read|

    What is considered to be binge drinking? For many people, there may not appear to be much of a difference between binge drinking and alcoholism. [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    Does Self-Esteem Affect the Risk of Substance Abuse?

    868 words|4.3 min read|

    A commonly asked question about substance abuse is what is the cause? What makes it occur in someone's life, and are some people more prone [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    Leaving Work or School to Attend Treatment: 3 Things You Should Know

    1089 words|5.4 min read|

    It often feels unprofessional or can be considered taboo in companies or places of higher learning to take time off for personal reasons. You may [...]

  • Finding-Yourself-Through-Addiction-Treatment

    Are Millennials More at Risk for Addiction?

    954 words|4.8 min read|

    Millennials are known for their modern understanding and use of technology, centering their lives around family and hopping from job to job every few years. [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    8 Signs to Help Tell the Difference Between Recreational Drinking and Alcoholism

    804 words|4 min read|

    Alcohol plays a large part in American culture — almost every restaurant serves it, you find it at concerts and sporting events, parties rarely are [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    How a Habit Becomes Addiction

    941 words|4.7 min read|

    When you stop to think about your day, it's incredible how many things we humans do out of habit. Our patterns of behavior range from [...]

  • Behavioral Signs to Note When Identifying an Addiction

    852 words|4.3 min read|

    Generally speaking, when someone is battling an addiction, not many people know about it. Addiction, with its many surrounding stereotypes and myths, is often a [...]

  • Four-Truths-of-Addiction

    Addiction & Recovery: The Facts

    887 words|4.4 min read|

    Addiction is a challenging topic for many people, not because they're afraid to talk about it, but because they simply might not know how to [...]

  • Four-Truths-of-Addiction

    Coping as the Parent of an Addicted Adult Child

    450 words|2.3 min read|

    Although addiction is now widely thought of as a disease rather than a moral failing, many parents of adult children struggling with substance abuse may [...]

  • Silvermist Recovery Center campus

    Addiction Treatment at Silvermist: 3 Things to Expect

    446 words|2.2 min read|

    One of the most nerve-wracking parts of accepting treatment may be the uncertainty about what you’ll experience when you arrive. Although Silvermist focuses on providing personalized treatment [...]

  • Silvermist young adult drug and alcohol rehab

    Addiction In the Workplace

    910 words|4.6 min read|

    Addiction is never an isolated activity. When a person struggles with drug or alcohol abuse, it seeps in and affects every area of life. Not [...]