Understanding the Difference Between Mood Swings and Bipolar Disorders
Emotion is part of the human experience. It’s one of the things that makes life meaningful, but it can also make life challenging. If [...]
What You Need to Know About Each Type of Bipolar Disorder
We have days when it feels like our mood is endlessly shifting. Maybe we’ll wake up annoyed and tired because we went to bed [...]
Addressing Your Habits to Rejuvenate Your Mind
From year to year, our mental health can fluctuate greatly based on the occurrences of our daily lives. Work, school and home all play [...]
Mood Disorders and the Holidays: Causes and Care
It’s natural to experience some level of stress, anxiety and even sadness around the holiday season. This Thanksgiving-through-January period is one of the busiest [...]
The Difference Between Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder
It’s completely natural to have days where you don’t feel your best. Social situations, relationships, diet, habits and more are all factors that influence [...]
The Difference Between Being Depressed and Having Depression
Have you noticed that being depressed seems to be almost trending nowadays? It’s true that rates of depression have risen in recent years, but [...]
An Overview of Generalized Anxiety Vs. Panic Attacks
Generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder share several common symptoms, but they are two distinct mental health conditions. In this article, we’re going to [...]
What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder?
Everyone experiences a little bit of social anxiety at times. Whether we’re arriving at a party where there are lots of new people or [...]
Domestic Violence Towards Men and Signs of PTSD
When you imagine domestic violence, it’s likely that your mind goes towards women victims. While women are the vast majority of victims of domestic [...]
A Mini Guide to Understanding Anxiety Disorders in Men
Anxiety disorders in men are one of the most overlooked mental conditions that men suffer from. It doesn’t help that, even in the twenty-first [...]