A Simple Guide to Maintaining Sobriety This Summer
What comes to many people’s minds when they picture summertime is family vacations, social gatherings and events, salty snacks, cool desserts and lots of [...]
The Best Types of Treatment for Trauma
Trauma is a disturbing or highly distressing experience that often leaves a significant negative impact on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health of [...]
How Trauma Can Be a Trigger for Mental Health or Substance Use Issues
When you’re struggling with a mental health condition or a substance use disorder (or both), you’re dealing with a relatively fragile and highly influential [...]
Top Natural Mood Boosters to Improve Your Mental Health
The last time you had a day where your mental health was dragging, what did you do? For many people, when they’re having a [...]
Preventing Mental Health Issues From Turning Into Substance Misuse
The second week of May we celebrate Substance Use Prevention Week. There has been much attention devoted to substance use treatment and recovery, but [...]
The Reason You Shouldn’t Call Someone an Alcoholic
Substance abuse is a sensitive subject, and it’s rare to find someone who is not impacted by it personally. According to the Pew Research [...]
The Dangers of Improper Coping Skills for Mental Health
Substance use is at an all-time high for Americans, and nowadays, nearly everyone knows someone who’s struggling with a substance use disorder or addiction. [...]
Natural Remedies and Habits to Improve Mental Health
A quick internet search for mental health wellness tips will generate millions of tips, many of which will recommend seeking out professional help with [...]
How Nutrition Can Positively or Negatively Affect Your Mental Health
What recovery practices come to mind when you see or hear the phrase, “mental health”? Maybe you think of traditional modalities like counseling and [...]
5 Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by recurring and often frequent episodes of intense highs (manic episodes) and intense lows (depressive episodes). [...]