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Meaningful Treatment
With Dignity

Get The eBook

When It Happens to Your Family: How to Support Your Child Through Addiction Treatment and Recovery

In this eBook you’ll learn about:

  • How addiction and dependence are diagnosed and treated
  • How to support your child during treatment

  • Relationship Skills

  • How to decide whether to tell friends and family

  • How to support your child after treatment, including learning the signs of relapse

When your child has an addiction, nothing can describe the melting pot of emotions you feel. Fear, frustration, anger and hopelessness may dominate your waking hours, taking a toll on your quality of life and well-being.

Addiction is a family disease, because one family member’s addiction affects all of the other family members. The family unit becomes absorbed by the addiction, and life may start to feel as though it’s spinning out of control. Treatment can help your child end an addiction for the long-term, but successful recovery will depend on the level of support your child receives during and after treatment.