Your Lifestyle Can Boost Mental Health

Published On: July 14, 2022|Categories: Mental Health, Wellness|850 words|4.3 min read|
Woman laying in a hammock helping to improve her mental health

In this busy and restless age, it’s more important than ever to pay a little extra attention to our mental health. When burnout, exhaustion, and pressure creep into our daily lives at work, home, or school, we need to be equipped with the right self-care tools to help us improve our mental health and negate the effects of our busy lives. 

Ways to improve your mental health

Meeting with a counselor can help you improve your mental health, but even a counselor will recommend homework, that is, little ways to focus on boosting your mental health throughout your daily routine. 

1. Get daily exercise 

It’s recommended that everyone get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. For some people, going to the gym and lifting weights or pounding the treadmill is the best way to move. For others, a more relaxing workout, like yoga or pilates, is more appealing. Still, others prefer to walk around the block a couple of times simply. 

There is no right or wrong way to exercise, as long as you choose a form that you find beneficial and rejuvenating

2. Download a meditation app 

The internet is full of meditation apps, like Calm and Headspace, which teach and guide you through meditation. You can select how long you wish to meditate, find specific ones that help promote sleep and relaxation or use them to encourage a restful state of mind whether you’re actively meditating or not. 

3. Limit your screen time 

Not only can staring at a screen have adverse health effects, the lifestyle of being constantly online and available can have negative effects on your mental health as well. One study even found that increased screen time has led to an increased risk of depression. Therefore, it’s essential to take time throughout the week disconnected from screens to help balance your mental health.  

4. Do something you’re good at 

It can be discouraging to feel like you’re constantly performing poorly. Maybe you have an overwhelming workload, have difficult classes, or are challenged by your toddler’s three-year-old stage. Taking the time to step away and focus on something you’re good at—cooking, gardening, painting, playing music, etc.—is crucial for boosting positivity when tempted to be hard on yourself.

5. Start taking steps

If you feel discouraged or overwhelmed by a lack of meeting your goals, start small and start. No one will get anywhere if they don’t begin. To help you reach your goals, start by taking small, achievable steps. Before you know it, those small steps will amount to accomplishing a big goal, perhaps without you even realizing it.   

6. Color 

It might sound juvenile, but adult coloring pages can help reduce anxiety and slow restless, anxious thoughts. Plus, it’s a creative use of the brain, which also helps boost one’s mental health. You can find these coloring books in bookstores, online, or on individual pages on various internet sites. 

7. Plan ahead 

For those who feel overwhelmed throughout the week, do what you can on the weekends to plan. Maybe you meal prep so all you have to do in the morning is grab your food before leaving for work. Perhaps you lay out your outfits for the week to save time getting ready before class. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it helps you feel prepared and less stressed.

8. Spend time outside 

It’s easy to stay cooped up inside, even on the sunniest of days, simply out of habit. But this habit should be broken and, for the sake of your mental health, you should get outside for extended periods when you can. 

  • Rent kayaks
  • Go hiking
  • Relax in portable hammocks
  • Plan a picnic
  • Work from home on the patio

The benefits of vitamin D will serve you well and help to refresh the mind, body and spirit.

9. Work on perspective 

If negative things happen, take action to be intentional about your perspective. In other words, find a silver lining. A gratitude journal can help with this, where you intentionally write down the things that happened today that you are grateful for. Doing this even on a difficult day can help improve your outlook and your overall mental health. 

10. Get lost in a novel 

Go to your local library, find yourself a thrilling tale and lose yourself in the pages for a while. Set your phone on silent and allow yourself to become completely immersed. Not only is reading good for the brain, the time spent in silence is also rejuvenating. Even if you’re not into reading, 10-15 minutes daily can help you relax and consistently work through the story. 

You can improve your mental health 

Our lifestyle choices directly impact our quality of mental health, meaning it’s more important than ever to spend time doing things that benefit your mental health. No matter what you choose to do—hiking, reading, painting, or prepping—you will notice a positive change in your life. 

For more information on ways to improve mental health, reach out to Silvermist today.

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